During these recent days of partitioned pavements, undersung birthdays and shrink-wrapped hands, a different kind of connection sometimes seems to find its way through. Here is one such encounter – a new imagining of one of Gwyn’s songs – sung by a group of people she’s never met – in their own, separate spaces.
Gwyn says this about hearing the “Oxford Gargoyles” rendition for the first time:
“I was waiting in the hospital car park between taxi shifts, when my phone pinged and my car was suddenly full of ALL THESE VOICES! Such a beautiful arrangement – such lush, layered harmonies – that still manage to honour the space of the song. It’s like they found my old favourite bear in the attic. And then brought him out into 13 shades of sunlight. They had me weeping into me mask.”
The response online has been amazing, and rightly so. So, in this somewhat shaded pause, thank you to our new Goyle-friends – for reaching out to our “Narrow Man…” for finding him some fresh lampost legs… and for making them shine!